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Name Address Date received Representation Issues Donald Scobbie Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 3 October 2007 28 March 2008 16 June 2008 20 June 2008 Objection Objection Objection Objection Number and density of housing Impact on Grantown on Spey Caravan Site Impact on Grant House Care Home and Ian Charles Hospital Pressure on education facilities Increases in traffic; parking problems Impact in the natural environment Impacts on current views from properties in Seafield Court CNP Deposit Local Plan fails to address problems associated with housing increases. Accepted that ‘The Mossie’ would be built on as the town evolved Unacceptable housing density Impact on education facilities in Grantown on Spey Concerns regarding drainage and effluent Increase in Grantown on Spey’s carbon footprint Setting a precedent for two and three storey housing Traffic impacts Suggestion of developing sheltered housing in conjunction with Grant House Care Home and Ian Charles Hospital Concerns regarding impact on existing Care Home and Hospital Querying “what safeguards are in place to protect these two institutions from encroachment and permit future expansion” D and E Scobbie Seafield Court Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Infrastructure will not support the scale of development No detailed investigation into the effect of development on drainage. Bog area is susceptible to flooding Unacceptable number of houses proposed Reference to previous restrictions on developing upper floor space on properties in Seafield Court Jimmy and Amanda Mitchell Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Object to one and a half storey and two storey houses in Phase 1 Concern regarding number of houses in phase 1 Reference to undulating land on Phase 1 (Seafield Avenue) site Impact of development on caravan park and tourism Impact on the natural and cultural heritage of the area Contrast with existing built environment in terms of layout, scale, density, form and character Impact on quality of life of representees Concerns regarding the ecological impact of the overall development Impact on existing services and infrastructure Flooding issues James, Amanda and Thomas Mitchell Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 28 March 2008 Objection Complaint about CNPA planning department Concerns regarding increase in the number of two storey houses from that originally proposed Impact on the tourism industry in Grantown on Spey Suggest that only single storey houses should be allowed adjacent to caravan park Impact of development on privacy and outlook of bungalows in Seafield Court Concern regarding dwelling unit designs adjacent to Seafield Court Suggest that area to rear of the hospital is more suitable to accommodate two storey dwellings Flooding concerns Impact on the infrastructure of the town Impact on local tradesmen Jimmy Mitchell Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 4 April 2008 13 June 2008 23 September 2008 2 July 2009 Objection Objection Objection Objection Totally opposed to the construction of buildings of more than one storey in the field between Seafield Court and the caravan park Impact on privacy E-mail enclosing cross section of proposed and existing properties on Seafield Avenue Concerns regarding impact on Kylintra Burn and Meadow Burn Impact on quantity and quality of watercourses Copy of letter sent to SNH regarding environmental impacts David and Katherine Seafield Court, 31 August 2006 Objection Hoped that the Mossie would be retained as a green belt Elder Grantown on Spey 10 September 2007 25 March 2008 Objection Objection Concerns regarding housing in proximity and queries the levels at which new houses would be built Reference to levels in the stream and potential future problems Development too large for the town and area to absorb Questions availability of employment locally to serve a new population Development of the size proposed would change the character of the town Place a strain on existing services Proximity to and impact on views from the representees property Flooding concerns Impact on the adjacent Caravan Park Impact on the community of Grantown on Spey Concerns regarding size and location of proposed two storey dwellings Impact on Caravan site Traffic implications on Seafield Avenue and at junction with High Street Impact on health services Impact on the burn and flooding concerns Objects to the type of housing proposed in proximity to their dwelling Suggest that two storey structures should be in area to the rear of hospital Disappointed that development is not by local builders RSPB Scotland Beechwood Park, Inverness 13 October 2006 - Reference to the land holding a “small population of farmland waders”. If minded to grant planning permission, a request that conditions are applied to ensure that most important areas of the site are safeguarded. Margaret A Campbell High Street, Grantown on Spey 27 October 2006 7 April 2008 21 April 2008 Objection Objection Objection Number of “central belt” homes proposed Concern regarding scale, design and density National Park should “save us from carbuncles in the countryside.” Concerns regarding house designs and density Objects to the amount of housing proposed between Seafield Court and the Caravan Park, and the impact on the caravan park Reference to the existing traffic situation at the junction of Seafield Avenue and the High Street. Jessie A Jack Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Objects to access off Seafield Avenue – directly opposite representees property Concerns regarding increased traffic, congestion and inability of road to cope. Alex I Murray Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Infrastructure and services in Grantown on Spey could not support population expansion Retail provision would alter and local retailers would be subjected to a major supermarket. Increase in traffic on Seafield Avenue Roy and Barbara Burgess Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Development detrimental to the quality of life of inhabitants in the area Noise and stress resulting from building activity over a number of years Concerns regarding the inclusion of woodland area within application site. Comments regarding position of existing powerline. Elizabeth Brownell Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Increase in density of housing from that shown in B&S Local Plan Querying the need for large housing development Threat to the towns infrastructure and facilities Impact on the caravan and camping site Potential congestion on Seafield Avenue and at the junction onto the High St Flooding concerns Displacement of ground nesting birds on The Mossie. Frank Jemmett Rhuarden Court Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Queries of proposed housing satisfies local housing shortage and need for affordable housing Proposal not in accordance with the B&S Local Plan and represents increase in density, number and rate of development Impact of population increase on facilities and infrastructure Blighting the semi-rural setting of the campsite Proposed access onto Seafield Avenue is inappropriate. FD Jemmett and JE Jemmett Rhuarden Court 26 March 2008 Objection Accept the need for housing Non compliance of proposal with local plan regarding density, number of dwellings and rate of development Contrary to the aims of the National Park Impact on traffic and road safety Flooding concerns Setting a precedent for other large scale development Negative impact in the economy of the town Alistair and Helen McLeod Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 11 September 2006 17 March 2008 12 January 2010 Objection Objection Objection Objection Application is obscene – reference to density and suburban design Request that application be refused outright, especially Phase 1 off Seafield Avenue Concerns regarding proposed density Field on Seafield Avenue should remain as open space Traffic concerns regarding Seafield Avenue No. of houses proposed in Phase 1 off Seafield Avenue is ‘obscene’ House designs are ‘typical suburbia’ Poor choice of external materials Reference to the Reporters recommendation on the CNP Local Plan Mr and Mrs Robert Mitchell Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 4 September 2006 Objection Concerns regarding impact on existing infrastructure Lack of surveys regarding services Field is a natural basin and flooding is queried Burn is used by salmon Contravention of Parks housing policy Opposed to proposals for two storey houses Aileen and Joseph Hendry Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 4 September 2006 Objection Concern regarding loss of land, with reference to biodiversity of plants and animals in the area Reference to wild flowers, red squirrel, dragonflies, and small birds on the site. K MacLeod Grantown on Spey 4 September 2006 Objection Numbers of houses will detract from the area Cause of unemployment for local people Schools and infrastructure cannot cope AW Laing Building Contractors High Street, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Reference to historic slow growth of Grantown on Spey, involving use of locall builders Development threatens the existence and sustainability of local trades people Major housing development is contrary to 4th aim of the National Park Scale of development would monopolise water, drainage and other infrastructure. Sue Jardine and Iain Fraser Woodside Avenue, Grantown on Spey 4 September 2006 31 March 2008 Objection Objection Area is important breeding ground for birds; large areas of moss; area of natural birch woodland regeneration; Area used for recreation No place for large scale development in a national park A huge firm should not control housing for the next 20 years Area should be protected. Capacity of schools in Grantown Reference to Cairngorms National Park draft Local Plan Traffic implications in Seafield Avenue and at junction onto High Street Impact on health services Drainage and ‘run off’ concerns Development already being advertised Accepts that there is a need for affordable housing Concerns regarding firm ‘from outwith the area’ taking work from local firms B A MacRae Woodside Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 4 April 2008 Objection Objection Tree felling or excavation in the moss and birch woodland could damage its function, which reduces the danger of flooding Objects to two storey houses in front of caravan park No need for 235 new houses in Grantown on Spey Objects to 3 storey flats Impact on schools and medical facilities Traffic implications at the junction of Seafield Avenue and the High Street Development would not benefit local housing demand Lyonel and Sheila Evans Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 6 September 2006 Objection Nature of land unsuitable for housing due to low levels and little means of good drainage Additional drainage proposals would affect lower end of the town Overload on the town amenities Queries regarding impact on sewerage facilities and water supply 11 September 2006 28 March 2008 Objection Objection Concerns regarding traffic and impact on roads Impact of development of the proposed scale on tourism and the layout and history of Grantown on Spey Not enough thought given to provision of walkways and footpaths Greater use should be made of connecting footpaths Low cost housing should be located away from existing houses in Seafield Court Queries the emphasis on one and a half storey dwellings instead of single storey bungalows Copy of newspaper article regarding ‘increased flood risk linked to warming’ Land unsuited to housing development Flooding issues Traffic concerns Two storey houses overlooking existing properties Impact on schools, medical facilities, water supply and public transport Ron Mathieson Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 11 September 2006 Objection Building of such a large development would change the character of Grantown. George R Smith Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 19 September 2006 Objection Hope that housing would not result in low or reduced water pressure Creating a cross roads at Rhuarden Court is suggested Reference to existing flooding and requests JCB to work in area. Mrs. Carroll Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 12 September 2006 21 April 2008 Objection Objection Houses, cars, people and dogs would be overwhelming Concerns regarding destruction of nesting ground of lapwings and oystercatchers Reference to existing natural heritage characteristics of the site Objects to two storey houses to the rear of Mossie Road bungalows Impact on green plover, oyster catchers and curlew Area should be preserved Concerns regarding outlook from the caravan park Impact on roads, schools, medical services Linda Coe By e-mail 23 August 2006 Objection Questions National Park estimates of future housing need Queries what large influx of people would do in the area Increases in traffic resulting in overload on road infrastructure Existing semi derelict properties in the town could be restored Proposed development has no social or economic justification Wendy Grosvenor Woodside Avenue Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Concerns regarding increase in population Concern regarding design and queries appropriateness in national park Development is for profit and not for need Gradual development would be more desirable WD and Pamela Baird Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 12 March 2008 Objection Objection Overdevelopment Negative impact on caravan park Increased pressure on education facilities Increased traffic, pollution and noise Queries where people will work Concerns regarding increased pressure on health care services Properties likely to be bought as second homes “as they would not be affordable to local people.” Impact of the development on the flora and fauna of the Mossie. Impact on the charm and character of Grantown on Spey Impact on caravan park Impact on schools and health services Increased traffic, pollution and noise Lack of affordable housing as many properties would be bought as second homes Irreversible impact on flora and fauna on the site Carol Davis Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 7 April 2008 Objection Objection Concerns regarding impact of development on the privacy of her property Concerns regarding the impact of population increase on services in the town Opposed to one and a half storey properties adjacent to caravan site boundary No requirement for development of the scale proposed Objects to certain aspects of the development , in particular proposals for two storey houses between Seafield Court and the caravan park Overlooking of her back garden and possibility of ‘deviants’ spying Objects to the building of any taller dwellings than the bungalows in SEafield Court Isobel M Shepherd Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Mossie is a nesting ground for birds One and a half storey and two storey houses out of character Proximity to caravan park Flooding concerns Loss of the Mossie as a recreation area Increase in traffic Impact in school and health services David Shepherd Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Mossie is a nesting ground for birds One and a half storey and two storey houses out of character Proximity to caravan park Flooding concerns Loss of the Mossie as a recreation area Increase in traffic Impact in school and health services David and Isobel Shepherd Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 31 March 2008 Objection Objects to - the increased number of 2 storey houses - number of houses - loss of the Mossie as an amenity area - impact on wildlife in the Mossie - flooding implications - impacts on school and health services - impact on caravan park Accepts that there is a need for affordable housing R MacRae Strathspey Drive, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Grantown cannot cope with amount of people Shops needed if houses are built Susan MacLaren Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Concerns regarding impact on schools and health service Impact of increased traffic on Seafield Avenue Reference to statements in the Consutation draft of the CNP Local Plan Need to consider drainage implications Acknowledges a need for affordable housing in the area. John Fleming and Sandra McKelvie Grantown on Spey Caravan Park 1 September 2006 25 March 2008 Objection Objection Impacts on the caravan park Objects to one and a half, and two storey properties on the boundary adjacent to the Caravan Park Queries the water supply to serve the development Concerns regarding the proposed density Increased traffic Noise impact Impact on existing services in the town The need to pay attention to the views from the Caravan Park Density should be similar to Seafield Court Concerns regarding drainage Objects to two storey houses near the Caravan Park Impact of development density and noise on visitors to the caravan park George C Rafferty Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 27 March 2008 Objection Objection Reference to the Mossie being a natural flood plain and concern regarding future flooding implications Concern regarding flooding impacts at The Mossie Impact on natural heritage Mossie is unsuitable for two storey houses Sally N Greenlees Rhuarden Court, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 27 March 2008 Objection Objection Impact on school and education facilities Effect on Caravan Park Building work should be carried out by local firms Disagree with large amount of housing proposed Request that development is not allowed Inverallan Parish Church Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 Objection Welcomes affordable housing, but queries if it would be allocated to local people Too many dwelling proposed 25 March 2008 Objection Impact on tourism and the caravan park Concerns regarding ability of infrastructure to cope Traffic issues Impact on local services Concerns regarding potential flooding Impact on wildlife Recognises the need for housing and notes proposals for 49 affordable houses Objects to the number of dwellings Impact on tourism in general and also on the caravan site Concern that Grantown would become a ‘dormitory’ town for Inverness Inadequacy of infrastructure to serve proposed development Traffic implications Impact on school and education services Flooding concerns Impact on wildlife Dr. Josef Tainsh Woodside Avenue, Grantown on Spey 8 April 2008 Objection Adverse environmental impact from sewage discharges Scrutiny needed on issues such as possible flooding problems on the Kylintra Burn Potential impact on the River Spey Gregor I Mackenzie Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 15 March 2007 13 March 2008 Objection Objection Objection Size of development in excessive of requirements for town Result in holiday homes and second homes Applicants have no knowledge of cultural heritage of Grantown on Spey ‘Country wide’ house design being imposed Impact on local builders Ecological impact Concerns regarding flood risk Disturbance to the Mossie Function of the Mossie as a habitat and also serving as a mechanism for controlling the effects of sudden heavy rainfall Concerns regarding the suitability of the land to facilitate the construction of 7 April 2008 2 June 2008 3 June 2008 10 September 2008 22 April 2009 27 July 2009 Objection Objection Objection Objection Objection Objection bridge foundations Concerns regarding position of houses; density and height of buildings; design issues Size and rate of proposed development is in excess of anything envisaged in Highland Council Local Plan Impact on local building industry Impact on tourism and the caravan park Increased traffic Impact on the Mossie A series of questions are posed regarding impact on services, affordable housing provision, traffic considerations Impact of the proposed road layout on the Mossie and birch woodland Concerns regarding housing design, layout and density – not in accordance with Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan Impact on the residents of Mossie Road Query regarding measures to safeguard land adjoining the Ian Charles Hospital and Grant House Care Home Concern regarding surface water drainage details (including photographic evidence of flooding and reference to SEPA guidelines) Flooding concerns; queries raised regarding the Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Defence Solution Copy of letter sent to SEPA regarding flooding concerns, and concerns regarding the Flood Risk Assessment provided. Grant Mortimer Mortimer’s High Street, Grantown on Spey 23 April 2008 Objection Concerns regarding increase in vehicular traffic on Seafield Avenue and at its junction with the High Street Concerns regarding height and density of housing in area between Seafield Court and Caravan Park Inadequacy of infrastructure in the town to cope Impact on the caravan park and the economy of Grantown on Spey Susan MacLaren Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 15 March 2008 Objection Concerns regarding capacity of schools Impact of traffic on Seafield Avenue Impact on health services Drainage issues Development already being advertised for sale Accepts that there is a need for affordable housing in the area AKS Ligget Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 25 March 2008 Objection In principle not against the construction of houses Quantity and density of dwellings proposed is excessive Concerns regarding ability of existing services and infrastructure to cope Potential impact on tourism Impact on wildlife in the Mossie D Anderson Carron, Falkirk 27 March 2008 Objection Impact in ambience and views from Caravan Park Sheila Grant Woodside Avenue, Grantown on Spey 28 March 2008 Objection Grantown cannot cope with the number of new houses No building near the caravan site A few houses should be built by local builders BH and SA Backholer Rhuarden Court, Grantown on Spey 28 March 2008 - No objection to the need for more housing Concerns regarding drainage impacts and potential flooding of the Kylintra Burn Development should take account of loss of natural soak away S Riley Woodside Avenue, Grantown on Spey 31 March 2008 Objection Agrees that new houses are needed Objects to proposals for two storey houses near the caravan park Mr and Mrs J Bruce Peterhead, Aberdeenshire 28 March 2008 Objection Impacts on caravan park Alan Beadle Newcastle Upon Tyne 30 March 2008 Objection Objects to housing adjacent to campsite, which he visits regularly LS and Dr JC Burnett Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 1 April 2008 Objection No objection to “a sensitive and sensible development of low-level housing” Objects to two storey terraced dwellings in proximity to Seafield Court Loss of privacy and amenity Layout fails to take account of existing design and density Concerns regarding increased volumes of traffic Impacts on shopping, schools and medical services Development proposed on a flood plain Bruce and Wilma Morgan Old Spey Bridge, Grantown on Spey 3 April 2008 Objection Acknowledge that there is a need for more housing, including affordable Objects to the number of houses proposed Concern at capacity of social services and schools Objects to two storey houses adjacent to bungalows and caravan park Derek Anderson High Street, Kinross 1 April 2008 8 April 2008 Objection Objection Objects to housing adjacent to caravan park, as he is a frequent visitor there (Repeat of above details) Badenoch and Strathspey Conservaiton Group Nethybridge 3 April 2008 Objection No adequate assessment undertaken of natural heritage implications Development should be subject to an EIA Various information provided on existing natural heritage features on the site Development would restrict opportunities to enhance habitat networks Impact on archaeological features of the area Scale of development is inappropriate and excessive W and P Baird Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 3 April 2008 Objection Concerns regarding size of development Two storey properties out of character with existing bungalows AJ MacBeath and Mrs J Macbeath Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 4 April 2008 Objection Recognise the need for housing, but question the number of dwellings proposed Impact on schools and medical services Objects to two storey houses proposed in proximity to their property and request that any new buildings in this area are single storey Anthony and Seonaid Green Seafield Avenue, Grantown on Spey 2 April 2008 Objection Density of development Style of housing Low level of affordable housing Detrimental impact on wildlife in the Mossie Concern that development does not tackle local housing need Housing has not been specifically designed for Grantown on Spey Impact on caravan park Sheena C Kelman Mossie Road, Grantown on Spey 9 April 2008 Objection Concerns regarding privacy and view from her dwelling Concerns regarding proposed two storey houses in an area of existing bungalows Volumes of traffic likely on Mossie Road / Grant Road Impacts on schools and medical services Mark Horsfield Kincardine, Fife 8 April 2008 Objection Owner of caravan on adjacent site and objects to impacts Obscuring of views from caravan Impact in the value of his caravan Requests some form of screening to stop noise and provide privacy if development goes ahead Bill Sadler Grantown Society Woodside Avenue, Grantown on Spey 10 April 2008 Objection Development inappropriate due to its size, location and architecture Economically, environmentally and culturally unsound Site unsuitable for large scale building projects Andrew McCracken And Frank Jemmett Kylintra Crescent, Grantown on Spey Rhuarden Court, Grantown on Spey 25 February 2008 - No objection to principle of development Ask that planning gain is secured Request the provision of allotments Suggest that provision for allotments could be identified within large area of proposed open space Anthony Reddiford Bristol 12 June 2008 Objection Impact on the amenity of the caravan park, which he visits Sandy McCook Parent Council Grantown Grammar School 30 April 2008 Objection Concerns regarding impact on grammar school which is nearing capacity If development is approved, a substantial ‘planning gain’ is required from the developer to contribute to the required increase in size of the school Ron Mathieson Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 3 June 2008 Objection Development would erode tranquillity Impact in caravan site Increases in traffic on Seafield Avenue Local infrastructure not capable of serving increased population New housing expansion should include recreational opportunities Sheena Ogilvie Seafield Court, Grantown on Spey 26 March 2008 Objection Objects to proposals in the area between Seafield Court and the Caravan Park Impact on the caravan park Opposed to buildings of more than single storey in the field Area to the rear of the hospital would be more suited to 2 storey houses Strathspey Angling Improvement Association c/o Grant Mortimer 26 March 2008 Objection Large number of angling visitors stay at the caravan park and concern is expressed regarding impact of development on caravan park A downturn in visitor numbers to the caravan park would threaten the existence of the Angling Association James Gentleman Bo’ness 25 March 2008 Objection Owner of caravan on caravan site and is concerned about devaluing asset Loss of view and concerns regarding noise Privacy would be compromised Kelsey Tainsh Woodside Avenue, Grantown on Spey 1 September 2006 4 April 2008 14 April 2008 15 April 2008 22 April 2008 Objection Objection Objection Objection Objection Impact on caravan park Detrimental to long term development and future of town Traffic concerns and Health and Safety issues Impact on education and medical services Capacity of existing sewage system Need to meet social requirements and recreational needs of younger generation Recreational value of area and need to protect and retain open spaces Suggestions regarding requirements that the developers build affordable housing elsewhere in smaller settlements within the Park Global warming and flooding concerns Reference to European Convention on Human Rights Reference to Cairngorms National Park Plan Priorities for Action Tranquility of the area should be retained and enhanced Reference to the high standard of Grantown on Spey Caravan Park “Local residents, campsite and mossie habitat and environment, all have priority” over the proposed development Proposed buildings out of scale with surrounding houses and campsite 23 April 2008 8 May 2008 3 June 2008 3 June 2008 11 June 2008 30 June 2008 23 June 2008 8 July 2008 14 July 2008 Objection Objection Objection Objection - - - - - Development unlikely to employ local people Demands on public services Requires that all Board Members are familiar with ‘Management Guidelines for IUCN Category V Protected Areas Protected Landscapes / Seascapes, prior to making a decision on the planning application Reference to a Mineral Well located on the site Request that mineral well is retained and restored, in the interests of the towns wider economic development and regeneration Various references to Code of Conduct for Councillors, and the Standards Commission for Scotland Various references to other matters under the term ‘wider public interest’ Comments regarding CNPA Board Members opportunities to meet the wider public interest, and CNP interests and needs Raises queries regarding the proposed affordable housing Further details provided regarding the Mineral Well on the site Benefits of the mineral well in terms of tourism and economic regeneration Request that the mineral well be protected as a listed building Further information regarding the mineral well on the site – history of wells in the area (Letter to Andy Rinning, CNPA, copied to planning dept.) Role of the Community Council in voicing concerns of the community Concerns regarding access Reference to historical access in and around the site Any encroachment on an Public Right of Way Bridleway is unacceptable Documentation concerning Human Rights Act 1998 Culture and heritage in Grantown on Spey Quotes from various news articles regarding housing policy and housebuilding 16 October 2008 8 January 2009 6 February 2009 Suggestions on means on meeting local affordable housing requirements Concerns regarding the economics of the proposed development Need for external economic analysis and advice Copy of Respondent Information on the National Parks Review Consultation Various newspaper articles enclosed Partial copy of documentation already provided on 8 January 2009 Danny Alexander MP House of Commons, London 8 April 2008 8 April 2008 11 April 2008 17 April 2008 17 April 2008 12 June 2008 Copies of various correspondence from constituents Letter from David and Katherine Elder, expressing concerns regarding size, strain on resources, impact on local building firms, design issues relative to properties in Seafield Court, impact on the caravan park, and the impacts of increased traffic. Letter from Sandra McKelvie, Grantown Caravan Park expressing concerns regarding impact on the caravan park and the tourist economy E-mail from Jimmy Mitchell expressing concerns regarding impacts on the caravan park and the local tourist economy Letter from Mr and Mrs D Scobbie expressing concerns regarding density and type of housing, carbon footprint, precedent which may be set for two storey houses in the area, traffic increases in the area and suggestions that sheltered housing should be developed in conjunction with existing care home and hospital facilities. Faxed letter from Mr and Mrs Frank Jemmett expressing concern regarding the number of houses proposed and the timescale. Concerns that they may be occupied by commuters or owned as second homes. Letter from Danny Alexander MP requesting that a number of points are considered – - Ensuring that the quality of development is in keeping with Grantown on Spey - Considering the impact of development on local services - Considering the impact of development on local businesses, with specific reference made to the caravan site - Need for affordable housing and suggestion that more than 25% minimum may be appropriate - Concerns regarding constituents opportunities to convey their views to the CNPA,